The Chest Slides, also called Ribcage Slides, front, back, right and left are foundational movements of belly dancing. When combined with other movements, they help build more intricate movements like the horizontal chest circle and undulation.
Tips: Like with all upper-body work, be sure to keep the lower torso engaged and keep the tailbone slightly tucked. Be sure to keep the chest upright during your chest slides, as opposed to tilting the upper torso, lifting one shoulder higher than the other. The shoulders should remain neutral and the same height. Be careful not to shrug the shoulders forward as you slide back nor reach unnaturally backward with the shoulders as you slide forward.
At first, it can be difficult to isolate your chest from your hips. Your hips might have a hard time staying quiet. One way to help you gain more control over your chest is to practice your chest isolations while in a seated position. This takes your hips out of the equation and causing you to only use the upper body to produce the movement.
You really can isolate your chest! This drill will prove it to you.