In this article, I’m sharing my last “Things Every New Belly Dancer Needs Know [Before They Start Lessons]” And it’s regarding a question I get asked a lot! “How long will it take me to become a good dancer?” I would love to answer that for you, but I can’t! What I can do, is provide you with some food for thought.
WHAT DOES “GOOD DANCER” MEAN TO YOU? The word “good” isn’t very descriptive, because it can mean vastly different things to different people. So, your first step would be to define what “good” means to you. I’m gonna throw out some ideas for you to think about below: Do you want: … to just dance for fun and exercise?
Close your eyes and with an open heart, as if there was nothing standing in your way, no internal or external obstacles, imagine a scene of you dancing that excites and inspires you. What does that imaginal act LOOK like?
In other words, what would you like to do FIRST with the dance skills you learn?
As much as I would love to be able to stick a USB drive up your nose and instantly upload all my years of knowledge and experience, every belly dance vision will require some amount of training, practice, and, possibly, performance experience. It might take you a couple of months of classes once per week to accomplish one thing; it might take many years of classes several times a week, practice, and performances to accomplish something else. Ask yourself honestly, how much time am I actually willing to invest? I’m not asking you how much you WISH to invest. I’m asking how much time are you actually going to invest in your vision. i.e. show up to class, learn from your instructional DVD, work on your choreography, etc